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Being led by a God-inspired idea can make all the difference in the World.

Being a part of a movement of God helps to change the world - the Body of Christ, writing for His glory.

Writing in all genres from a Christian perspective.

To help Christian Poets and Writers write for the glory of God, upbuild the church Body of Christ, and improve their God-given gifts of writing.

Christian Poets and Writers

About Our Interactive Online Community

The uniqueness of our online community allows Christian Poets and Writers to personally share their poems, devotionals, spoken word videos, books, and upcoming events. 

By joining our community; members interact with other experienced and novice communicators, we're able to aspire to resources that help us in our write life, our literary works get worldwide exposure - we learn and help others to grow. 

Christian Poets and Writer

Aspire to our Topics of Discussions. Join Now.

Our discussions include:

These discussions do in fact help to generate growth to your organic platforms and increases the volume of your followers. Including your social media links, author pages and backlinks in your post are highly recommended.

Christian Poets and Writers

Join our Christian Poets and Writers Book Club

Share your published literary work with us. Indie/Self published welcomed.


  • Daily Devotionals

  • Poetry 

  • Writing Tools and Resources

  • Non-Fiction/Fiction 

  • Romance

  • Memoirs

  • Bible Study Guides

  • Health and Wellness

  • Growth and Development

  • Children and Young Adult

  • Novels and Sequels

How it all began

Mary Harwell Sayler - Founder

Mary Harwell
Sayler, Founder

After many years of writing in all genres and working, one-on-one, with other Christian poets and writers through home study courses and critiques, Mary Harwell Sayler felt led to begin a group on Facebook in 2012.

With no members to start, she invited people she knew with the hope of providing a place to discuss all aspects of writing. As a lifelong lover of Christ and the church, Mary especially hoped to bring Christians from all denominations together to uplift one another in faith and in the Body of Christ.

Now, with over 5,000 members from around the world, who unite and support one another, Mary has been called back to writing, placing the group's care in the blessed hands of Shira Garnett.

An online interactive writing community emerges

Shira Garnett | Leader and Admin

Shira Garnett, Admin/Leader

In 2015, Shira Garnett joined the Christian Poets and Writers Facebook group. Having a passion to encourage others through her writings, Shira was asked by Founder, Mary Harwell Sayler to become a group moderator. Shira accepted the invitation.

After much prayer and consideration, Mary passed the mantle of Admin and Leader over to the care of Shira in 2017. Along with this blessed responsibility of Admin and Leader, the original Christian Poets and Writers website was also entrusted to Shira.


Utilizing her technical knowledge and computer savvy, Shira revamped the original website into an online interactive writing community. This conversion has now given the facebook group members an additional platform with a wider range of features, options, and resources for the Christian poet and writer. The original website created by Mary has been kept and indexed on this site as a reminded legacy - the foundation from which this site has been built upon. Visit our "Legacy" site.


Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 

1 Thessalonians 5:11


Christian Poets and Writers discuss ways to build up the church Body of Christ, inspire, strengthen faith, and improve writing in all genres. May God guide our prayers and words of forgiveness, love, and unity in Jesus' Name.

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© Copyright Christian Poets and Writers. Permission to use any articles, poems or written content on this site has to be approved. Contact us
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