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Writer's pictureStephen Maloney

Acting Upon Christ

In Matthew chapter 2, during the time of King Herod, a declaration is made by the Magi from the east, that a child who is to be king of the Jews has been born. Although the child born was not an immediate threat to Herod himself, he immediately schemed and acted upon the threat to his dynasty.

Are we Christians, born of God and expectant of Christ’s return, which will come like lightning from the east (ref. Mt.24:27), not wise enough to zealously plan now and act upon the Kingdom to come, heeding the warning of Christ Himself, even from the parables of the five wise virgins, the good and faithful servant, and the sheep vs. the goats, in order to preserve our future rich Kingdom blessings and rewards when He comes again.

Jesus tells us that the children of this world are shrewder than the children of light, but this should not be, and He commends those who wake up to and act upon the reality of His judgement in the present time. The term “coming soon” is meant to awaken our anticipation and serves as an exhortation to action over laziness and vigilance over complacency! Watch, for we do not know the Day!

This is what Advent is about! It’s not preparation for Christmas, but for Christ!

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1 Comment

Shira Garnett, Admin
Shira Garnett, Admin
Dec 11, 2019

Amen and Amen. Very well expressed, Stephan. Thank you for sharing this, I will reshare it on our Facebook Community page.

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