Come the night
Come the stars
As we sit through the still small hours.
Waiting, watching
Looking to the sky
A multitude of angels
Sing and glorify.
Sitting in the fields
Away from the city lights
Our view is much clearer
Of what is to be the new.
A bright light in the darkness
Addresses our madness
In rejection and denial of Jesu.
Lambs bleat
Sheep crowd together for safety and heat.
Can we leave this place
Ignore all these lambs
For another Lamb
Who takes away the sins of the world!
Let us go
In His Name to Bethlehem.
We walk and talk
Where are we going?
What will this look like?
We go, answering our calling
Witnesses to an awakening
Embracing the Light of the world
Shining into our hearts
Turning our world, the cosmos, upside down.
Hugh K Henderson <><