Day by day, I make my way
Inch by inch, I crawl,
Though I have potential Grand
Still my vision's small!
Seeking daily all I need
Causing me to grow,
Whether high up in a tree
Or far down there below!
I would rather be up high
That's where I'll be found,
Watching from beneath a leaf
I'm afraid there on the ground!
I am working toward the place
The place where I'll abide,
Safe and peaceful and at rest
In that place I'll hide!
Then one day, one glorious day
My journey will begin,
The journey from the place of death
Back unto life again!
Beginning with a tiny hole
I'll work hard to be free,
And very soon I will emerge
For all the world to see!
I may be plain and simple
Or a Monarch from the start,
But, one thing' s true, I know
I've had a change of heart!
And the beauty that I have
Though glorious to see,
Is for the joy of those I pass
It does nothing for me!
No longer crawling, inch by inch
Or hiding 'neath a leaf,
The heights that I now soar
Far exceeds my own belief!
And after transformation
Though I fly high and free,
I find out, to my surprise
I'm still the same o'le me!
Once an ugly little worm
Short sighted at the best,
Now a lovely BUTTERFLY
With long range vision blessed!
Flying here and flying there
To do what I'm to do,
I pollinate the flowers,
And make more, beautiful for you!
Peggy Jeanine Woody
4/25/1992. ©