So Many Marys
Abused throughout her childhood by an uncle she had known
Concealed by his position as a priest among his own
Until revealed by Jesus when his leprosy was healed
And so much of his past regret of sins were there unsealed
For she like many others whom so many men abused
Who for their selfish pleasure in their lusts are sorely used
Was just a pawn of Satan's work to rule the souls of men
Through evil that these precious ones are sadly pressured in
And then condemned by others who know not the path they trod
Oft times abused by trusted men they thought were men of God
These precious ones to Jesus Who can feel the pain they know
Do only for survival that one thing they knew to do
While all the time their hearts cry wanting once to know true love
To know that real affection that the Bible teaches of
That does not see those past regrets or evils they have done
Just sees a precious child of God who longs to know His Son
And know that there's forgiveness for the guiltiness they feel
And cleansing from the filthiness in them that's very real
That often keeps them in the path from which they seek escape
While everyday the sex they know in truth is really rape
But life need not to be this way for those who are God's own
If those who claim to be His hands would sow the seed He's sown
Of love through true compassion looking in the eyes of them
That are the windows of the souls of those in need of Him
And share with them there's so much to real love they've yet to see
Real love that looks beyond their faults and dark iniquity
And sees the blood of Jesus that has cleansed them of their sin
And perfect robe of righteousness that makes them whole again
And shares with these poor victims of the devil's sport and play
That by God's most amazing grace their past is wiped away
And if they just accept it and believe what Christ has said
New life will be the life they know with joy and peace instead
Of all the pain they're suffering now that must now meet its end
And be placed on the Lamb of God on Whom we can depend
As Mary placed upon that Lamb so many years ago
So all the Marys of today can have God's love to know
John 8:2-12; Matthew 26:6-14; Mark 16:9