The Artist
The pin with ink the pencil and the brush with all its oils
Are tools used by the artist as he shares through all his toil
The beauty and expression of the things he dreams and sees
From animals to oceans from the flowers to the trees
From people who have nothing to the rich with all their goods
From palaces of wonder to those lowly neighborhoods
Where crime is more than rampant it's the law of lives who choose
To turn from God's salvation His eternity to lose
From high and holy mountains to the deepest darkest sea
The artist seems to capture what explorers only see
Yet as we sit and ponder all the talent of his hands
We see what's past and present but no evidence of plans
He might have for the future of the next work he will do
The next work he might share with us of something he's gone through
By personal experience or something else he's seen
That gives him inspiration for his canvas white and clean
But there's a Master Artist Whose grand work is seen each day
From waking in the morning til the light has gone away
Existing all around us in His nature that we see
That other artists only wish like His work theirs could be
That work of art that's moving ever changing by degrees
Developing in nature and in everything He sees
To illustrate His story from creation to its end
When He will finish what began of evil and our sin
For everything in nature has a purpose from His hand
That illustrates from start to finish what His heart has planned
From cycles in the weather to the seasons on this earth
How He has plans for giving those who love Him a new birth
That will come when awakened by Christ's coming in the clouds
Not hidden in some mystery or wrapped in holy shrouds
But open loud and glorious for every eye to see
The fruit of all the lessons He shared throughout History
That we can see each morning and throughout each passing day
When we allow His Spirit time to share what He will say
Through scripture prayer and nature and the beauty that we see
Displayed with grace and wonder poise and true diversity
Romans 8:16-23; 1 Peter 1:24-25