. . . Two Steps Back And so though they had fallen by their senses in the path
That lead to speechless sorrow and the pain of Godly wrath
They still had a Redeemer Who by grace would help them see
By faith there are two more steps that can save humanity
Two steps that are two senses very few have faith to see
That come not by our nature but by God's divinity
Two steps shared in the scripture but perceived by just a few
That yoke us with our Saviour as we do what He would do
The first step is the sixth sense that is found in Godly love
That sees beyond the world we're in to endless realms above
That walks as one with angels through the burdens of our day
Pursuing time with Jesus as we walk that narrow Way
To be by Him enlightened tasting of that heavenly Gift
Indwelt with His Own Spirit as our thoughts to Him we lift
In glorious praise and honor to our great Creator King
Who soon will give us honor in restoring everything
That once was lost in Eden when Eve lost her sight of God
And Adam lost His faith in Him Who held the Law His Rod
To also have compassion to provide another Way
To save the wife He made Him so she would not have to pay
The debt that now we all must pay without a faith in Him
Who showed them through the Sacrifice He'd made a Way for them
That through the Lamb that He would be they two might walk again
In perfect holy purity without the stain of sin
And then the next and last step of recovery from pain
Appointed as a blessing that we might not sin again
When brought back to that oneness only those in Christ can find
When we will have the perfect right to live with Him in kind
Is that sense that has tasted of the perfect Word of God
That flows through us in power in the path that we must trod
That overcomes all evil by the power of God's love
And heals the brokenhearted by His power from above
That's here today for people who lay all else by the way
To leave the path uncluttered that leads to that perfect day
The day of Christ's returning when the dead in Him shall rise
And those who are remaining rise to meet them in the sky
Hebrews 5:12-6:8; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18