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Daily Devotional

The Few

The people slept and slumbered on the night of Jesus' birth

The night the angels' carols should have wrapped around the earth

Instilling joy and gladness in the hearts through sinners' ears

That God had sent a Saviour to remove all doubts and fears

Of judgment in the future for the sins they'd done before

For now had come Messiah they had long been waiting for

But only humble shepherds who were resting with their sheep

Were wrapped in joy and gladness while the chosen stayed asleep

But has it not been always just a few lived as they cared

Devoting time and effort with the message that they shared

That judgment time was coming and is coming still today

For all not just the chosen for the things they do and say

For starting back at Noah and the building of the ark

Of all the population only eight did have a part

In entering the safety of the one place they could be

That offered them salvation when the world became a sea

And when the mass of people in old Sodom were condemned

And all the evil cities in the plains for all their sins

Though God had said He'd spare them if just ten were good and wise

Just three came out that listened and were smart to guard their eyes

And when the Hebrew people whom God made to share His Truth

Were captured by great Babylon and pilfered of their youth

Of all that could have favor from the mighty King of kings

Twas only four that listened and refused the dainty things

That would not give them clearness in their minds that they would need

To learn the greatest wisdom of the One they chose to heed

Who for their dedication would extend to them the praise

Of royalty before them when the threats did not them phase

For standing for the honor of their God and not of men

Gave them the greatest honor as the eyes of those in sin

Saw walking in the fire with the three who did not bow

The Son of God to honor those who knew the why and how

We must be ever ready ever vigilant and wise

To stand for God a people who refuse to compromise

The principles for living He has placed within His Word

That make us fit and ready to be lifted heavenward

Luke 2:6-16; 1 Peter 3:17-22; Daniel 3

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