The Thief
He found the one he followed not much better than himself
This young man from the ghetto who then looked for someone else
So then he found another who again did let him down
And realized there was no good in people to be found
Until one day this Person after many years went by
Was standing in the courtyard just like him condemned to die
Who had no guilt or envy of the ones who railed at Him
Though one could see quite clearly He was far ahead of them
In morals and integrity as He spoke not a word
Against the taunts and screaming from the leaders that He heard
Who bore no form of reason or demur within themselves
Just pure satanic evil that had gripped them in its spell
And then as he was hardened by the leaders that he saw
Obsessed by all this evil with no mercy left at all
His gaze returned to Jesus Whom they cursed and saw in Him
The purity of goodness that they claimed they had in them
A purity that showed him all his years of strife and pain
Might somehow have a purpose if he might be free again
To turn from all the evil from his past that he had done
And maybe help another learn the lessons of this One
But then he heard the verdict that was given both of them
The Innocent found guilty of no crime that was in Him
And he who was the robber and the lier and the thief
To die as one together on the hill of pain and grief
And thought how could this happen to a Man so kind and good
Who never had committed wrong and never ever would
And wondered how he who was wrong and guilty of his past
Might somehow rectify his wrong with something good at last
Not knowing very shortly he would give his best of all
When on the cross he gave a gift of courage to us all
Obtaining from the Saviour that assurance that his sins
Though many were forgiven when he gave his last to Him
And thereby giving promise and encouragement today
To all who will accept God's grace and bow to Him and pray
No matter where they've been before assured of where He is
Will likewise be there Home above no one should ever miss
Mark 15:1-32; Luke 23:38-43