Retained With No Regret
Image if you could the power of infinity
The power in yourself to have the freedom to be free
Not hampered by this time and space not limited at all
All places at one time your own and subject to your call
Imagine knowing everything before life had its start
The end from the beginning in your own Creator's heart
Capacity for loving with a love that has no end
That only seeks to share itself with those it knows as friend
Image being able to control eternity
To place on it some limit by your own immensity
Not threatened in existence by another power known
As everything that's everywhere exists not on its own
But by your will and purpose by your choice to let it be
A life form by your own design to be your family
Adorned with perfect beauty and a will to choose their own
Allegiance to your mastery or choose the path unknown
Where self seeks not for others that that only brings them joy
But rather seeks its own designs that pester and annoy
The peace of those around it with its loathsomeness and greed
And constant sowing of its thoughts in words that grow like seed
Within the hearts of others you've created out of love
The others who once held a place beside your throne above
Who once adored your holiness and only ever chose
The purity and harmony you meant should never close
And then if you'd image giving up what you had been
To be like them who suffer from the limits brought by sin
And then to be so hated by the ones you came to save
They mock and crucify you lay you in a stone cold grave
But then you rise in victory again with power to be
The God you always were before you took humanity
But this time very different as you bear the scars of sin
And always and forever will be one with God and men
Well if you could imagine this then you would have to be
The God of Whom we speak about Who loves us endlessly
And proved His love upon that cross we never will forget
Eternally both God and Man retained with no regret
John 3:16-17; 17