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Daily Devotional

The Bow of Victory

He hung His head one last time but it wasn't in defeat

It was not in embarrassment for He knew no conceit

Nor was it in subjection to some earthly potentate

Or for regret of doing unkind things that people hate

But as a sign of victory for that which He had done

As man to prove the love of God the Father's only Son

Who with Him from eternity had laid the path He trod

To be the Lamb of sacrifice and point the world to God

For when He bowed His head that day upon that cruel cross

The Savour given to mankind as One to save the lost

He finished what He started when He left His throne above

By demonstrating to the world God is the God of love

Who held back not one inkling of Himself for you and I

When on that cross for all our sins He chose to hang and die

An Emblem to the world at large that looked like His defeat

But was in truth the winning move the devil could not beat

For there our fate was chosen sealed and stamped with God's own blood

No more to be in question for the perfect brotherhood

When one who's lost and fallen turns in faith to Him Who died

Accepting God's great Sacrifice that is for him supplied

And then by grace proceeding from a life that knew defeat

Into a life that only God provides at Jesus' feet

Where morning after morning we gain all we need from Him

To likewise live His victory before the eyes of them

Who think that all our suffering is for no good at all

Who cannot see beyond the veil of flesh or hear the call

Of God to rise each morning for a victory walk with Him

Accompanied by angels whom He sends to comfort them

The way He did with Jesus when He knelt that night to pray

Before He would be sacrificed the coming fateful day

One time to bring us victory o'er Satan and his plan

Securing for eternity the hope and joy of man

When none will bow to sin again nor to the will of men

But only to the One true God who gives us joy within

That joy that Jesus purchased with His blood upon the cross

The last time that He bowed His head in victory not loss

John 19:28-30; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; Romans 8:16-18

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