They walked away from everything they had to serve the Lord
No lesser gift would they extend to Him Whom they adored
Who left His throne in glory came to die a pauper King
The Lord of all creation and the Lamb of suffering
They willingly laid down their lives as no more they could do
As in their dying breath they knew what He had called them to
That perfect land of promise in a world of paradise
No more the pawns of Satan to be tempted by his vice
For when they drew their last breath in this world of misery
They knew their very next thought would be Christ in His glory
Returning with His angels as a cloud up in the sky
To go with Him to heaven where again they'll never die
But there they'll have the privilege of reigning with their King
As in the books of heaven while reviewing everything
They'll see why others left Him to whom He had much to give
Who in their own self-centered hearts chose for themselves to live
And others who had squandered all they had on selfish ease
Who took the gifts God gave them and indulged them as they pleased
Will be quite clearly given to the minds of those who see
On record where they turned away the grace of Calvary
For selfish gain to squander on the more that they could find
To clutter up their emptiness and occupy their mind
Where God alone could give them peace and fill their hearts with joy
If they had only willingly allowed Him to employ
His grace in them through charity that knows no self-deceit
That takes the all that they might have to lay at Jesus' feet
For service in His Kingdom to be used as He decides
Is best for those who serve Him and in whom His love abides
So friend if you've been thinking of what God would have you do
Remember where you've come from and the all that you've been through
And ask God how your brokenness you suffered in your past
Might be a tool of usefulness when at His feet it's cast
And with that and His blessings give Him all that you can be
As by His grace through living faith you walk where He can see
And lay all on the altar trusting in His Word alone
The Word that is the Son of God that claims you as His own
1 Corinthians 13; Romans 8:9-18