Moses and The Lamb
When found among the bullrushes in a basket made of reeds
No one could have imagined he would meet his people's needs
As he who was anointed by God's providence of love
And would forever be the one his people would speak of
As prophet to the nations mighty leader friend of God
The one by whom the Lord would share His Law to be our Rod
That spared would let his people stray into iniquity
But lived would mold them for that life that lasts eternally
And who would be God's channel to perform such marvelous things
Like speaking to a mighty rock to bring forth living springs
And asking God for manna that would feed for forty years
His people in the wilderness they wandered for their fears
When they had every reason to be in the promised land
For they'd seen mighty miracles that proved God had command
Of elements in nature from the plagues to parting seas
To even bringing stone cold hearts to bow upon their knees
But when that little basket was retrieved that fateful day
No one could know the future or imagine God's own way
To work His work to save them through this baby born of men
This baby born to share God's Love that saves us from our sin
As illustrated daily through the sacrifices made
Before His sanctuary where God's presence daily stayed
That taught them of salvation through each item He designed
That shared the perfect Sacrifice that Jesus had in mind
When He would come a Baby nondescript not like a king
But like the baby Moses with a purpose here to bring
The message of salvation for this world and all mankind
Who willingly would leave their past and idols all behind
And lift their cross of honor that depends on God alone
That leans not on their works but faith that molds us as His own
Through grace that finds no honor in the works of fallen men
But in the ones who set aside their pasts to start again
As babes in whom is promise seen as daily we do grow
To be God's chose vessels through which all the world can know
The power love and majesty that comes from God alone
For which He's chosen each of us who choose to be His own
Exodus 2:1-10; 3:7-10; Luke 2:1-12; Proverbs 22:15; Revelation 15:1-3