End Work
Though all I know may fail me in the moment of my need
Though many turn against me when upon my knees I plead
Still God will not forsake me when I know I need Him most
Nor will He cease to woo me through the presence of His Ghost
For He has never failed those who have humbly sought His name
Who've laid aside earth's pleasures for His honor not for fame
Who've realized without Him they have no value at all
Who've found their greatest honor is the honor of His call
To stand among His people as peculiar to their ways
To seek from Him the leading most important for these days
As nearing the conclusion of the evidence of sin
He sets in preparation Truth to wake the hearts of men
To see the present clearly through the darkness of the lies
That have been laid upon us in that work to blind our eyes
To all things from creation to redemption from our sins
To grasp God's full salvation as fulfillment soon begins
Fulfillment of those prophesies that've yet to be fulfilled
When one third of the world we know will be destroyed and killed
And one third of the heavens will no longer share their light
As God withdraws His presence leaving all the world in night
And when the time of judgement will be seen for what it is
The final declaration to prepare for such as this
But many will unfortunately be caught and unaware
Because of their neglect of God Who waited for their prayer
When there was still the option to be faithful to His call
To lay aside their selfishness and give to Him their all
Through giving of their blessings to the ones He led them to
And sharing of those gems of truth the way that Christ would do
That touched the hearts of hearers who could see the Saviour's love
Revealed through words and actions that the Master taught them of
That did good not for hope of gain but simply from the heart
That someone who had lost their all might have a brand new start
And also be God's workman in the closing work on earth
To hold the light in darkness that in Christ there is new birth
And not just for the present but for all eternity
That starts when we pursue God's will in faith and charity
Revelation 8; Habakkuk 3:17-19