Living In The Word
Preserved throughout all history as God would have it done
Are records of activities performed by God the Son
From days of our creation to the mighty cleansing flood
To those of incarnation when He spilled His precious blood
To those when His apostles and disciples paved the way
Of sharing His great gospel to this very present day
To fulfilling each prophesy that's found within His Word
So promises eternal by all nations can be heard
For never has there ever been a time when God did cease
To offer to humanity His never ending peace
Or work through intercession to fulfill what He has said
That soon will be established when He comes to get the dead
And all those who are living who have placed their love in Him
Who's never ceased and never will to live His love in them
If they will simply trust Him with their hearts and lives each day
To lead them every moment in that path we call the Way
The Way that's more than giving a few moments here and there
In maybe reading scripture and reciting manmade prayers
But is that all consuming state of living just for Him
To be His light of living truth each day to all of them
Whom we might meet in passing or might visit where they are
Both in the nearest neighborhood or traveling afar
Allowing God to lead us in all things we do and say
To show to those around us what our Saviour chose to pay
That captivates our thinking from the time spent on our knees
That opens observation of the hearts of those we meet
That places on our tongs the words that Christ would have us share
That speak of heaven's goals for us and all that's waiting there
For God has never left us and His promise for us still
Is He will never leave those who abandoned to His will
Spend daily time anointed by His Spirit just with Him
Preparing for what's coming that He's sharing now with them
So friend if you don't hear Him you don't feel His presence close
It's not because He's left you for the things that you have chose
It's just because He's waiting for your heart and soul and mind
To spend that time appointed leaving all this world behind
Jeremiah 5:19; Matthew 11:27-30; Acts 1:7-11