The strategy of playing chess is not in how to win
But how to ponder future moves until we reach the end
How each piece on the game board will by utilized in play
To either mount a strong offense or simply thrown away
And some people will tell you that's what life is like as well
Some people will get endless life while others go to hell
But that's not what God's chosen as the scriptures clearly say
Not why a perfect Saviour died for all our sins to pay
For though it is a mystery what God's next move will be
He's proven most explicitly His love for you and me
And that all things have purpose for the saving of each soul
Who truly want to live with Him in heaven as their goal
And though we're many pieces on the game board of this earth
Each has a special purpose from inception to their birth
And from their birth 'til resting for a time in some dark grave
Until the resurrection when Christ comes for those He saved
And will show then the reasons for the things that happened here
Will make the past from future most abundantly quite clear
As to the why we served here as a pawn or rook or queen
Or just a lowly bishop giving service to our King
And how each has influence in the lives of those we meet
A savor from the Master to be shared with those we greet
To help them gain the victory they need while here they play
The game meant for the living who live by the words they say
That give a true reflection of the One for Whom they live
The One in Whom they've placed their trust and all they have to give
Not simply as a pawn upon that chess board we call life
But as a royal member of the church God calls His wife
That church made up of members of all peoples He has made
Who though faced with uncertainty by grace in Him have stayed
Submissive to His leading and the plan He has for them
To save them for His Kingdom to be one with Christ and Him
So friend if you feel challenged to believe God has a plan
For you within His future when before His throne you stand
Take time to read your Bible that great game book of the King
And you will see your future is to Him the greatest thing
2 Samuel 22:31; Psalm 4; 18:30; 20:7; 37:3-5; Proverbs 3:5-6; Romans 8:28