Victory in Jesus
Two met that day for battle on the Mount of Calvary
One perfect pure and sinless as the Lamb for you and me
The other dark and evil without conscience heart or love
The father of all wickedness the scriptures tell us of
And one it did appear to be the victor on that day
Who by his evil prowess took the life and love away
From Him Who hung upon that cross Whose life did cease to be
The Saviour in the middle of the three on Calvary
But as we learn by reading further in the word of God
That path to Calvary's mountain would not be the last He trod
And in God's perfect timing when He called Him from the grave
Christ came forth as the Victor for the ones He came to save
And Satan was defeated though before He seemed to win
To bear the consequences for the guilt of all the sin
That he has brought upon us and still brings until this day
For which the Saviour's sacrifice on Calvary did pay
But therein lies a problem for one thing that Christ can't do
Is force His will upon us to be lived in me and you
And if we will not choose to take the Price he paid that day
Then we just like the devil will still have that price to pay
For many teach a gospel that is not at all from God
They teach that once forgiven for the path that we have trod
No more need we to listen to the promptings from the Lord
And going back to sinning will by Jesus be ignored
While of a truth the devil wins each battle fought for them
And wounds the heart of Jesus as they fail to look to Him
And seek the power of heaven by God's grace to cease to sin
Through faith that He will give us when His Spirit dwells within
The heart that's truly humbled by the power of the cross
The power of the Sacrifice God gave to save the lost
That chooses not to live for self but for the love of God
To walk where angels do not fear where Christ before us trod
To shine light on the Gospel of the Truth of that great day
When Jesus paid that Price for life that is the Victor's Way
But only through accepting by the way we choose to live
Can we have His forgiveness and the Life He came to give
Matthew 27:11-54; 28:1-10; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58