Have you been one to notice as a deadline's drawing near
So many other options for attention you will hear
To draw you from your focus on what God would have you do
To get caught in distractions that the world would bring you to
No it's not just coincidence that brings these things along
It's not some strange occurrence that might make your right seem wrong
There's something more behind the options coming into view
Someone who fears the future knows how God is leading you
And knows if they don't stop you from the path God has you on
Don't get your mind distracted as you firmly move along
The purpose they're pursuing to delay the work of God
Will be destroyed by progress in the path of work you trod
The work of reaching others in the Way God has designed
The Way He has inspired He has placed within your mind
To make that living impact on the people that you meet
To bring them by His Spirit to our blessed Saviour's feet
Where they too will find comfort and direction for this life
Assurance that God has a plan to overcome all strife
Where physical emotional or spiritual decline
Have pushed away the focus that God has for them in mind
The focus not on this world but on that which is to come
That world where sin and Satan never more will be heard from
Where all is new and whole again no want or need of pain
Just days of joy and happiness where Christ is Lord again
In every heart that's living every heart that's known Him here
That's found that great fulfillment when they've kept their focus clear
On what God has provided for the Way He'd have them go
Affirmed by their communion with the One they love and know
Who's never brought confusion but allows temptation here
To exercise our faith and trust in what He has made clear
And strengthens our conviction in the Way He'd have us go
That all the world might have a chance to love the God we know
And make that preparation most essential for this time
That strengthens our position as the path to Him we climb
Where looking back we'll see the Way He's led to get us there
The Way that was successful by our time with Him in prayer
James 1:1-8: Proverbs 14:12; Isaiah 41:9-13