The Mist
The morning mist reminds me of a time not long ago
When what lay at a distance I could have no way to know
And worry for the future often left me in despair
As help to meet my conflicts might not come to meet me there
But God knew and was watching every challenge that I faced
And knew that in His timing every fear could be erased
But only after I would give Him heart and soul and mind
And leave my selfish jealousies and prideful thoughts behind
But doing what I needed in myself to do for Him
Abandoning my thoughts and ways that made my life so grim
Was harder than these lips can tell or help another know
Unless like me they've walked the path where sin would have them go
The path that's lined with failures often hid by sin's disguise
To look like life's successes to the less than Godly eyes
Where money fame and fortune trap those souls who fail to see
That thing of greatest value that will last eternally
That thing that's known as comfort from the peace that comes from God
That gives us His assurance that no matter where we trod
As long as we are in His will no matter where we stray
If sensitive to His command we won't be swept away
When storms of trouble strike us that are common unto men
Who yet live in this evil world still dark and ruled by sin
Because when we're confronted by the wayward path we chose
We see through grace the path that God would have His people go
And follow knowing always as He's led in times before
He'll lead His precious chosen who adore and love Him more
Than all this world can offer as it has no peace to give
No hope for our salvation or assurance we will live
Beyond this very moment or the next that we might see
No hope of an eternal life one with divinity
No hope of feeling arms of love receive us as God's own
No hope of never feeling lost embarrassed and alone
But as the mist has lifted so my faith has lifted too
And I know as I'm faithful in the things I say and do
No matter what tomorrow in this world may bring my way
I have that calm assurance I'll be His come judgment day
2 Peter 2:17-22; James 4:13-17; Nehemiah 1:9