So few can comprehend the depth depression draws a soul
And fewer still can understand the work to make them whole
Most think that it's just sadness from experience once felt
And all they need is to forget the hand that they've been dealt
But life is not a game of cards nor is it what we feel
And what we see around us is not all that's really real
For there's a battle for each soul that will not meet its end
Until the coming of our God and all the saints ascend
To meet in clouds of glory to be taken back with Him
To that bright land beyond the sky that He's prepared for them
Where none will feel the pangs of death no one will ever fear
No sadness will adorn the eyes from which were many tears
But now 'tis not the season we are hoping soon to see
It's not yet celebration time when all will be set free
From sin and consequences of this evil world we're in
That still rules through the darkness in the hearts of fallen men
For now we're in a battle between Truth and wickedness
A battle that will soon be won by Christ our Righteousness
But until then the devil's plan is to confuse each soul
To make them think that he's their god with good for them his goal
But good is not his purpose good has no part in his plan
As through his dark activity he rules the heart of man
Through drugs and bogus counsel that depends on fleshly ways
When true peace and deliverance comes to the one who prays
And spends time in the Bible where alone we see God's plan
Through study deep within His Word is found the hope of man
From sacrifice of Jesus Christ to resurrection day
Each step of God progressive work reveals His loving Way
Of drawing us from tragedy to healing through His Word
As daily with Him on our knees His voice of love is heard
Assuring us that nothing in this life can change His plan
To bring to its fruition restoration in the man
And woman who will trust Him to remove the evils done
By His amazing perfect grace He brought through Christ His Son
That will be righted at the time His glory fills the sky
And all who've come to know Him best will live to never die
2 Timothy 1:7; Isaiah 41:10; 1 John 4:18