The Anchor
No matter what your circumstance no matter where you've been
There's still a God Who loves you most in spite of all your sin
And wants you more than anything to know within your soul
The power of His loving grace that heals and makes you whole
But so much is the chatter in this world we hear today
So often it just seems His grace is carried far away
And we are left beside ourselves in fear and unbelief
When closer than we've ever known is grace for our relief
The grace that sees our circumstance and knows the plans He's made
The grace that's ours not just by chance but by the Price He paid
When leaving all of heaven Jesus Christ came here to be
The Anchor of God's perfect grace revealed on Calvary
That is not moved by tempest nor the gales of worldly storms
That holds against temptation and the host of earthly norms
That will forever be revealed by all the scars Christ bears
That bought for us the robe like His each saint forever wears
That robe of sinless purity placed on each naked soul
Who by His grace lays old aside for new that makes them whole
No longer bound by past regret for things they once have done
But filled with joy God loves us yet the more through Christ His Son
And also crowns, bright diadems that will not fade away
Because when tempted to forget we chose in Christ to stay
Full focused on His righteousness for those who will receive
By grace His spotless purity to all who will believe
For like a ship that's tossed about upon the stormy sea
When anchored to a solid rock the eye is want to see
The sailors know though still unseen that anchor's sure to hold
And with the greatest confidence they do as they are told
By their commanding officer who's sailed those seas before
Who knows the many passages and what they have in store
And knows from one place to the next wherein the ship must lay
To grant them safety for their trip to meet each passing day
So friend if you've not guessed by now we are that ship of souls
And Christ our great Commander Who's prepared our many goals
And His sure grace the anchor in the Rock He is as well
So don't delay to share this Truth that you've been blessed to tell
Matthew 4:23-25; Luke 6:31; John 5:19-24; Hebrews 6:19