His Way Not Ours
So many many voices that are in the world today
That try to tell us how to live to burn that fat away
Or how we need to study hard to make ourselves approved
To take the next position of the next one that has moved
Or how to be successful in that golden enterprise
That's growing with a future right before our very eyes
Or what should be the focus in the course of our pursuit
That no one with a simple brain would think they should refute
Or whether we should this or that in making up our mind
The inkling of consideration that we chance to find
Should be a thing we entertain more than a passing whim
That inkling of a whisper that we hear that comes from Him
Who really has the answers for our health and attitude
That seeks a new dimension from a sense of gratitude
That sees ourselves as temples for the presence of the Lord
Unworthy but the chosen by His grace He did afford
Through sacrifice to give us what ourselves we could not earn
A place within His Kingdom at Christ Jesus' soon return
Where all will be transparent in the things we do and say
Because the very dregs of self have all been burned away
The dregs of self exclusion from the body of God's church
The church not built of wood and stone but for which we all search
Where all are fit together like a hand within a glove
A body built of many parts but bound by One great Love
That moves by one great Spirit wherein dwells the life of God
That sees each day a challenge in each path it finds to trod
To share the Light of heaven with each souls that it might meet
The Light it gains from spending time before the Saviour's feet
Where all is found that's needed for success in each new day
When by His grace through living faith He wipes our sins away
And makes us living creatures with a saving attitude
Who light the world around us with our Godly gratitude
Who hear not what the world might say will make us to succeed
Because by grace we know the One Who through His death has freed
Us from a darkened future where lies remnants of our past
That by His life we too might live where joy will ever last
John 10:7-18; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 1 Kings 19:11-12