Before when we were tempted to exchange integrity
For something of less value thinking no one else could see
We let the devil lead us on a journey into sin
Not knowing we caused stumbling in the lives of other men
But now that we've surrendered all we are to God in love
Accepted His pure righteousness the Bible tells us of
We choose instead of leaning on our own integrity
To grasp by faith the grace of God that gives us purity
For nothing Satan offers comes without some strings attached
And compromise with evil is a thing that can't be matched
By human intervention thinking we have strength to be
Among the true and righteous without God's divinity
Placed on us every morning at the start of everyday
Abiding every footstep as He guides us in the Way
That make us more like Jesus for the world in us to see
The love that rules His Kingdom even through adversity
And when we have that promise of eternal life with Him
Temptations have no pow'r at all in any one of them
To pull us from our footing as we stand on Holy Ground
Established in the Word of God that through His grace we've found
And when the devil tells us of the many years we served
His kingdom in our weakness and how much we don't deserve
To be among God's people for the things that we have done
We simply humbly point him to the scars in Christ the Son
He thought would overcome Him as He hung there in His grief
Deranged by pain and anguish knowing there was no relief
To buckle under pressure to be like all other men
And sacrifice His mission to defeat the curse of sin
But as the Saviour hung there as God's Lamb to take our place
He purchased there our promise that no matter what we face
In Him we have the victory as long as we abide
By faith through our obedience where we've been told to hide
Within the Cleft of righteousness that mighty Rock our King
Who's fought the fight and paid the Price to give us everything
We need to hold communion with His Presence everyday
'Cause in our heart's devotion there can be no other way
James 1:2-27