Trial To Triumph
The trip from trial to triumph can be difficult at best
Beset oft times with tragedy that brings us to a test
Of where we choose to place our trust on whom we will believe
To help us through the agony and pain that we receive
From choices and decisions that were made by us before
When failing by our own accord to trust our Saviour more
Than our own strength and wisdom when temptation came our way
And we fell hard in Satan's trap because we failed to pray
Or maybe it was nothing of ourselves we did at all
That knocked us from our pedestal and caused us hard to fall
Just living where the enemy still rules the hearts of men
Who constantly are drawing us to follow them in sin
Whatever be the reason for the trials that we face
One thing is plainly certain that we need God's loving grace
That power from outside ourselves that comes to those who pray
Who seek in deep sincerity their Saviour everyday
And choose to lay all self aside with all that we have done
To be the burden of the Lord's He places on His Son
No longer to be reckoned on our record up above
Because His blood has covered all through His redeeming love
That love that sees no failings in the tenor of our past
That only sees a pilgrim that has found their way at last
To home within His Kingdom where the saints forever shine
Who chose to give the Master all their heart and soul and mind
And let Him take possession of the life that we have left
To make us pure and holy knowing each and every test
Is given for a purpose that the world in us might see
The power of almighty God that's found on Calvary
That triumphs in the darkest night that never knows defeat
That bears a light that all might see to everyone we meet
That Light that bears the presence of the One eternal God
Who walked this path before us when upon this earth He trod
And Who today is waiting where we meet with Him in prayer
Attending to our every step to guide us everywhere
To make and mold and fashion us to be the more like Him
That all the world might see the Truth God still holds out to them
1 Chronicles 29:10-15; Isaiah 25:8-9; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58: Psalm 32