No child of God can ever be removed away from Him
As long as they pursue the life that He's provided them
Not seeking fame or fortune as the world would have us plan
But seeking more the love of God that we might understand
The spectrum of its beauty in its varied rays of light
Like shining through a prism with its colors bold and bright
That represent His Kingdom as defined in every heart
Wherein is found the grace of God that He alone imparts
When we accept His leading as He's led us in the past
As with eternal purpose that He will reward at last
When placed within His service for a witness to mankind
To touch the hearts of those we often want to leave behind
That still have thoughts and feelings that have never been removed
That left them blind and hopeless as their trust in others proved
To be just simply ropes of sand that quickly blew away
When in their lonely state of mind they longed for them to stay
And then when lost and empty with no love to call their own
They thought through their emotions to pursue life all alone
And filled their days with all the things the world said they would need
To find the joy and happiness for which a young heart pleads
But found instead the hollow in their heart was more profound
And music that once brought them joy was just an empty sound
And other things that lessened all the pain they felt within
Became their friendly enemy on which they could depend
To drive away their loneliness through artificial means
That always brought them back to life's destructive painful scenes
Until they felt there was no more a reason to exist
As life was truly just a pause in dissipating mist
Until someone shared Jesus and the beauty of God's plan
Unfolded on that cruel cross to save the soul of man
That wipes away the painfulness that keeps us in the past
Renewing what love does for us that will forever last
As those who know the promise of salvation that is true
Abandon all their selfish plans to do as Christ would do
Becoming God's own channel of His love to all of them
Who will respond as He desires to be as one with Him
Job 17:11-16; Psalm 34:14-22; Isaiah 61:1-3; Luke 4:16-21