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Daily Devotional


A tentative surrender is what most folks want to give

Not willing to abandon how they truly want to live

For fear they'll be expected to take up another path

And this they'd only do as an avoidance of God's wrath

But tentative has never been a principle of God's

No maybe's or just possibly's when Christ walked on this sod

But with a full surrender Jesus Christ became the Man

That we might have the benefit of His redemption plan

The plan that saw the future in a way we cannot see

That sees two paths if taken for their possibilities

One path that leads to freedom and with God eternal life

The other condemnation ending in the death of strife

For only those who seek Him in the way that God sought them

Not bound by ties of worldliness that hold them back from Him

But daily in each moment seeking what His will might be

Will have His perfect promise in its perfect purity

That promise of eternal life where no one seeks their own

But finds their greatest joy in Christ with Him upon His throne

Communing with Him daily as we can with Him today

When we learn how to truly live and hear Him when we pray

As sometimes He speaks to us through the scriptures that we read

At other times through others who have learned their wills to heed

Or through His voice in nature in the lessons we learn there

And sometimes in impressions shared with us in times of prayer

But rarely does He speak to those who choose to live their way

Not willing to surrender all they do and all they say

Not willing to abandon heart and soul and mind to Him

Who gave completely of Himself to be as one with them

Not one for just a moment but for all eternity

Forever giving up a part of His divinity

As in a human body one with us He'll always stay

As part of His surrender He so willingly did pay

Because of love unbounded by the death that we deserved

That laid within the path He walked from which He never swerved

But was the door He opened that leads to eternity

For those who would surrender all without complacency

John 3:16-17; Romans 8:1-17

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