Nature Restored
Creation shows the power of God His glory still abounds
Though sin has marred the face of earth all nature still resounds
With thankfulness each morning for another day of life
Though torn by sin and its effects of pain and death and strife
But soon there'll be a day when nature will be sad no more
For all the vanity of man and pride it's suffered for
As it too will have liberty to serve our God in peace
And share the joy it once had known God meant should never cease
When God will say there's been enough for all the worlds to see
Of all the evidence in sin and how iniquity
Destroys the beauty of His love displayed when life began
And crowned with His perfection when He breathed His life in man
For when this theatre of earth produces its last show
And Truth has been declared to all for all the world to know
And everyone's decided whom they've chosen to believe
The outcome of their choosing will reveal what they receive
As those who've chosen darkness with the father of all lies
Will scramble from the brightness that will force before their eyes
The truth of their decision when they turned away from God
And chose to grasp rebellion in the selfish path they trod
And God in love and mercy once they fall on bended knee
Confessing in conviction He has judged them righteously
Will send down fire from heaven to destroy them one and all
Those bound to sin and selfishness and he who caused their fall
And once they're burned to ashes and the earth is cleansed at last
God will restore creation as He did in eons past
With elegance and fashion as He made it all before
When all of His creation lives to honor and adore
The One Who suffered with us through the travesty of sin
The One Who chose to leave His throne to be as one with men
The One Who paid the debt we owed that we could never pay
And be as one again with Him on resurrection day
Because of all His glory seen in all the good He's done
Reflected in the life of Christ God's first begotten Son
Who'll walk as One among us in the paths of life made new
Where nature once again will kiss His feet with morning dew
Romans 8:9-25; Isaiah 65:16-17; 66:22-23; 2 Peter 3:11-14