Determined by the grace of God to have the victory
The last act of his mortal life would live in infamy
Though blinded by his passion and his lustful life of sin
He soon destroyed the temple with three thousand evil men
But this was not the purpose God had planned and made him for
For he had been anointed at his birth for so much more
When God had told his parents of the blessing he would be
As long as he maintained a life of chaste sobriety
Not giving place to passions that ruled other worldly men
But living for the heirs of God to see His grace within
This man who had a purpose unlike those who came before
To fight for God the battles He ordained and made him for
The battles that revealed to all the world the power of God
That knows no limitation in the lives of those who trod
The path where God will lead them as they follow Him in love
That lives by the obedience His scripture tells us of
But Samson's life was tainted by a lack of discipline
And instead of fidelity he chose a life of sin
That led to much debauchery and wanton foolish lies
That took from him his heritage and cost him both his eyes
And though it's sad to see his loss and pain that he went through
It was this pain and loss that helped him see what he must do
As humbly he came back to God to seek forgiveness there
And gain for all assurance God rewards repentant prayer
That even though he failed Him who ordained him from above
He never could detour from him the Father's awesome love
That made him in his final hours a testimony to
The power and the mighty work that God through us can do
When we return from following the world that's dead to sin
From bending to the influence of lost and selfish men
And grasp the hand of providence that leads us back to Him
Who longs to show the evidence of godliness to them
That comes when we abandon our desires to do God's will
That holds for us the promise that His grace is waiting still
To make of us a testament that all the world might see
There is no limit to what God can do in you and me
Judges 16