The lying raging evil that consumes the world today
That's evidenced in everyone that takes no time to pray
That injures to the heart of those who fall to its deceit
And will mean their destruction in that final great defeat
Is rooted in self-centeredness from eons long before
The fruit upon that evil tree was what Eve wanted more
Than living in perfection with her husband by her side
Fulfilled with every kind of joy from God's love deep inside
Far back in distant heaven when God's angels were the thing
That made all of the universe in melody to ring
In praise of glorious majesty around God's mighty throne
As nothing but pure ecstasy in Him was what was known
But mystery of mysteries some seed of evil came
To him who was the light-bearer as stated in his name
And turned his light to darkness as his pride began to be
The death of love and principle and his integrity
That somehow turned his beauty to a thing not seen before
As he became the object he thought others should adore
And using every talent God had given him for good
He twisted and perverted hoping other angels would
Be like him in rebellion to usurp God's mighty throne
That they who were the evil ones might claim it as their own
Not caring for the right of God Who formed them in His love
Just focused on their evil wants that we've been speaking of
That have no care for others no care for propriety
Despising law and order and a sense of decency
Embellishing what should be truth until it is a lie
For selfish adulation caring not for those who die
As outcome of their ruthlessness that finds its roots in him
Who finds his strength in ruining the form of God in them
Until in their destruction God will wipe them all away
When He decides to execute that final judgement day
When love will be the mystery they could not comprehend
That they will see as fire brings the devil to his end
And all who chose to honor him with selfishness and greed
Will be devoured like the root its branches fruit and seed
Isaiah 14:12-15; Matthew 13:24-30, 34-43