The biggest lie I learned that I was taught when I was young
Was that that was related to the use of people's tongues
How sticks and stones would break my bones of this I could be sure
But words would never hurt me and the pain I should endure
But sticks and stones don't hurt me near as much I've come to learn
As words that others throw at me each way I seem to turn
Those words of pure cold-heartedness and thoughtless injury
That sometimes hurt so badly they just drive me to my knees
That sometime even find a place upon my lips as well
And cross that threshold from my tongue in things I should not tell
And injure those most near me through the things I should not say
That make a strong impression that will never go away
For words do have a power greater than we recognize
A power far beyond the damage we see with our eyes
That strikes the very core of those with whom we chance to meet
If spoken in a manner that will cause their soul's defeat
For it was by His words that God made all eternity
And by His words made everything around us that we see
From light to life that's teeming all around us on this earth
That holds us in the balance til we find in Him rebirth
That seeks to be just like Him in the things we say and do
In words we speak to others as we see what they go through
To give them that encouragement so often hard to find
In others who have other things that occupy their minds
That keep them from attending to the ones for whom they care
Not really understanding that of which they aren't aware
Because they are too busy forming words they want to speak
Instead of words most needed by a brother that is weak
Or words just for that sister who is weathering a storm
Of deep seated emotion from relations that are torn
By something that was spoken without thinking in their haste
That left a life long friendship devastated and in waste
So friend for your own blessing don't be quick to speak your words
But think and weigh with diligence what from you will be heard
And only speak what you would want to hear if in their shoes
The words that bring a light to life that God would have you choose
James 3