Two Judgements One Cross
The blatant lack of sanity that's in the world today
The evil and profanity that's always on display
The focus on shear vanity that fills the hearts of men
Is simply pointing to the fact we're living in the end
For as the scriptures tell us as it was in Noah's day
When all men's thoughts were evil without reason want to pray
So will it be when Jesus does return to take us Home
To where He is preparing where the saints will never roam
For way back then when Noah was a building on the Ark
Away from every seaport on dry land within a park
Where people thought him crazy foolish for what he believed
He knew for all appearance he was not the one deceived
For God did give them warning for one hundred twenty years
To turn from their obsession and to open up their ears
To hear of their salvation He had planned that He would give
If they would simply enter in the Ark that they might live
But evil ways were rampant in the hearts of those who heard
And nothing that was said to them could change them not one word
As they just sought frivolity to entertain their minds
Not knowing of the judgement that would leave them all behind
And so as right before them God's great message was displayed
They practiced their iniquity and in their evil played
Deriding he who shared with them the judgement soon to come
Not knowing they were soon to pay the full eternal sum
For all abominations that they freely chose to do
And all the pain and heartache they put God's disciple through
Who tried to give them warning with his motive only love
In hope that they would see the truth and turn to God above
Was soon to meet its reckoning as it will meet again
But this time not by flood but by God's fire it will end
And not by ark but chariot will faithful ones be saved
A chariot of angels on the highway that was paved
With blood that flowed from Calvary between that time and now
An ensign to the Love of God raised high to show us how
Salvation back in Noah's day and that we're soon to see
Were both based on the Price God paid that day on Calvary
Genesis 6:5-8; Matthew 24:25-39