The most important question that so many seem to miss
Is what might be my purpose here at such a time as this
Am I just to expend my life on things that I might have
Or does God have a reason He has placed me in this path
You see for many it's become so easy not to tell
The world by words and conduct that they more than wish them well
And to just be an island in a sea of nameless souls
Perceiving gain and pleasure as their most important goals
But what if in God's great design there's more for us to be
As channels of His saving grace to lost humanity
What if He's placed within us talents we have yet find
That only can be accessed when we give to Him our mind
And focus our attention not on what is not our own
But on the most important task that Jesus focused on
That task of preparation for the work He's made us for
That work of great awakening to His presence at the door
Of each heart who'll receive Him and the mighty work He's done
That work with Son and Father to make us like Them as one
One body church and people for His Kingdom up above
Built solely on one principle and that of Godly love
That never sees one moment to be wasted or abused
But always in some fashion for His service to be used
In training or preparing for the work that's yet to come
Or out among the people in the world He's called us from
Delivering His message of salvation full and clear
To souls in pain and anguish and who need His comfort here
And sorely need His message of His Kingdom soon to come
Where those who chose to live for Him will reap the final sum
Of all they have invested and was likewise paid for them
Who saw in Christ the Answer to the question asked of Him
“What will you have me do this day and where am I to go
To reach the fallen for Your sake Your grace for them to know?”
As there we'll see the answer in the faces of the ones
Who saw in us the Answer of the Father's perfect Son
And drawn to Him by what they saw in us that He did give
They'll have that perfect endless joy in which the saints will live
Ephesians 6:10-18; Matthew 28:18-20