Transparency is often touted by some that we meet
To be their only policy with everyone they greet
But if we watch them long enough we'll often see something
That makes us doubt veracity in much of what they bring
And then in our confusion with their words and acts we see
We start to doubt the truth of others who with us might be
Just struggling with their living in this broken world of ours
Where many think they know enough to live in ivory towers
But no one truly knows the heart and what's held deep inside
Affecting all they do and say when they go off and hide
From life and all the consequences from the past they've known
And from the seeds back in their youth they foolishly had sown
And fearing that rejection that confession often brings
They struggle hard to make a show of all the other things
They think will make them popular should bad things come to light
In hopes that most will choose them now and not what lies in sight
Of all the world to see and hear and judge as they so choose
That may cause them their precious little spot in life to lose
When what is most important is not focused on at all
The way they choose to answer Him Who offers them His call
To truly be transparent laying all upon the line
To be for Him a testimony built by His design
Who once was faulty frail and foolish until they met Him
Who by His miracle of grace performed His will in them
By taking what they offered of their brokenness in life
That marred and fractured vessel one more casualty of strife
And sometimes even crush it more to blend with perfect grace
That makes them gorgeous works of art before the Potter's face
Wherein He can place beauty that's not fashioned by mankind
But fashioned by the Lord of all Who leaves no part behind
But those parts He's not needing to make them what they might be
To share the beauty of His grace they found at Calvary
So next time you meet someone who proclaims transparency
Just know there will come something from their past you're sure to see
But also know you might be there as answer to their prayer
To show to them when truth be known the Light of Him Who cares
Matthew 5:1-16; John 8:1-12