For Me
He suffered not because of me but for His love for me
When there two thousand years ago He hung upon that tree
And tasted of that bitter cup that would be mine to taste
For all the times I went my way and spent my life in waste
He cried out in His agony not for my pain He bore
But as His heart bore all the pain as separation tore
By my sins His connection with His Father up above
Who likewise made this Sacrifice that broke His heart in love
But though He made this Sacrifice and died upon that tree
And suffered more than we can know in perfect agony
The knowledge He was given through all that which He had done
Made worth it that great sacrifice if we could be as one
By my choice to receive Him through His grace I don't deserve
That I might have that home on high He holds there in reserve
Where we can sit together feasting on the victuals there
Communing after dinner in that wondrous place we'll share
And where we'll walk together with my hand tucked safe in His
Where I will feel those precious scars and say, “My Lord why this?”
But will not need reminding as I look into His eyes
And see the depth of love He bears that would not compromise
When tempted by the devil not to waste His life on mine
When tempted not to stay upon that cross that was God's sign
Of what true love would do for those who might be born again
And choose Him as the only Way to overcome their sin
That's been our separation from that life that we might choose
That life that can begin today that we will never lose
That life of love and promise soon to be our destiny
Because of what He did for us that day upon the tree
And for what He's now doing in that temple up above
That temple where He ministers for me still out of love
Where each day as I falter and confess my sins to Him
He still applies His precious blood to cover all of them
But soon His work will finish as He leaves those courts above
And comes in royal splendor that the scriptures tell us of
And if I want to be among the faithful with Him then
I pray He gives me grace today no more to fall to sin
Luke 23:24-47; Psalm 22:1; Matthew 27:46-50; Revelation 3:18-22