Green-Eyed Monster
A stale mist often gathers in the heart of jealousy
And blinds the painful bearer to the truth they cannot see
Of all the many blessings they've been given from the Lord
So often sore neglected if not totally ignored
For jealousy's a demon who knows how to rule the heart
Knows how to take another soul and tear it all apart
By words and selfish actions that can please the enemy
Down deep within the victim that no mortal eye can see
But demons aren't invincible as often they can seem
And quickly can be driven from the hearts of the redeemed
When seeing how they've hurt someone whom they profess to love
They seek that grace from Jesus Christ the Bible tells us of
That grace that's not just given for the bad things that we've done
But also makes and molds us in the image of God's Son
And helps us with a humble heart to go to those we've bruised
And heal the heart we've trampled on and painfully abused
And grace is also thankful to be utilized for this
To be found in the bearer as the blessing not to miss
That is by God poured out on us each time we come to Him
So thankful for the blessings and the value found in them
That we have been most honored to bestow on others too
By thoughtful words and actions in the things we say and do
Reflective of our Saviour and the grace He sends our way
The grace that looks beyond our sin to what He had to pay
That was and is the reason we can come to Him right now
And ask Him through His Holy Spirit to direct us how
We can mend broken bridges in relationships we've strained
Like He's restored the garments that our sinful lives have stained
So friend if for some reason jealousy has had its way
In making you look brutish in the things you've had to say
Don't linger but be quick to seek the Lord for wisdom's prize
And share repentant sorrow that can be seen in your eyes
And then be ever thankful for the blessings in your life
So thankful that you focus on the good things not on strife
And covenant to be the all God's planning you to be
In honor of the gifts you'll bear for all eternity
1 Corinthians 12:1-13:13