It seems I'm often so confused about where I should go
About how I should plan my life with little that I know
About my life tomorrow and the people I might meet
Or place I might be called to go both far or down the street
But really do I need to know what might be next for me
Is it so all important that I know my destiny
Before I choose where I'll go next or what I'll do or say
To try to have a better work or more successful day
For really if I try to wait to see what's next for me
I'll simply waste away my life with little that I'll see
Of true success or full reward if I could never find
A focus for the here and now to occupy my mind
That gets me off dead center back to the reality
That I'm the only one who has the mast'ry over me
To move ahead in my regard with choices that I choose
Or let some other person choose what I should gain or lose
For if I am that foolish that I just let life pass by
Without pursuing some new goal before I fade and die
Then I'll be none the wiser for the loss I suffered here
Nor will I know the greatest joy that might be oh so near
Awaiting my acceptance by my attitude's response
To challenges I'm bound to meet when I'm no more ensconced
In fear or doubt or laziness whatever's captured me
Or keeps me from a solid goal steeped in my lethargy
But if I grasp the moment giving all I've got to give
To an endeavor that will make my life a life to live
Enjoying new experience and new folks that I meet
Then no matter what goals I make I'll never know defeat
For every day will be to me exciting from its start
As I observe each moment as my time to have a part
In making something different making something count for good
Like sitting still without a plan for living never could
So friend if you're still wond'ring what your next move here should be
Just make your move and get to work pursuing what you see
Might be an opportunity for changing bad to good
Whatever give it all you've got the way you know you should
Deuteronomy 6:5; Ecclesiastes 9:10; James 4:13-17