Oh why oh why we often ask why must it be this way
Way must the ones we love the most be swiftly pulled away
Why must they lose their hold on life or suffer tragedy
Fall sick or succumb to the ways of the great enemy
A question often asked the Lord whose answer can be found
In scriptures where we gain a glimpse of Christ on holy ground
Beseeching all to listen while the warning can be heard
Look to the Truth and you will hear that most important Word
That Word of consolation information love and peace
That Word Whose constant love for us will never ever cease
That Word Whose power can be seen in what He's done before
In ways we do not understand to help us trust Him more
To know what He is doing to redeem the souls of those
He promised would see Him again when from the tomb He rose
As vict'ry over sin and death became His Gift to them
Who trust not to the things of earth but all their hearts to Him
And looked more deeply in His heart to see compassion there
Through constantly attending to His voice to them in prayer
That prayer that's always on the heart of them who know Him best
Who always in each conflict here turn to the Lord for rest
That finds a calm assurance in the midst of pain and stress
Just knowing that no matter what they'll overcome each test
Not by their own imaginings or by the strength they have
But by the grace of Him Who came and for us walked this path
And took the painful arrows and the insults of the world
Took all the evil sin could muster from the one He hurled
Into this world for just a season 'til all worlds could see
The truth revealed of his rebellion and iniquity
For Satan knows there is a limit to his freedom here
And soon the One from life he severed will fulfill his fear
And come back in the clouds of glory to reclaim His own
Who like the seed have died to come back to the One they've known
Would keep His promise of that new life that will never end
That will forever be the answer to restore and mend
Relations with the ones we love now who are pulled away
To rest but just a little longer for that glorious day
1 Corinthians 15:51; 1 Thessalonians 4:9-18