The Touch
The most enticing thought of all the thoughts I've had today
Is how much even closer I might come each time I pray
To being more like Jesus in the things I say and do
That changes how I used to be and makes me something new
Not simply in the way most Christians think that we become
But in those ways reflective of the Father and the Son
Embodied with a holy Light that all the world might see
The shining of God's Holy One within the heart of me
Just as He was in Jesus when He walked this earth before
But in a way as He described in scriptures even more
As He might even speak His words and work His works of grace
Revealing what this world needs most as seen in Jesus' face
A humble holy purity that sees within each soul
Upon the path we meet each day a needing to be whole
That can be met and filled by God through things we do and say
And through the touch of our embrace if we are led that way
For many in the world today have learned from evils done
Not to believe there's safety in the touch of anyone
When Christ-like touch is what they need the most to calm their soul
And sometimes heal their brokenness in ways that make them whole
Just as the Saviour did before when as one just like us
He shared with all He met along His way that they could trust
His words to be reflective of His heart and love for them
To help them see the plan that God prepared for them in Him
That plan to make them holy pure and spotless from their past
To lift them to a higher plain where they might live at last
With Him Who is Almighty Sovereign King and Lord of all
Adopted as His children no more subjects of the fall
And without limitation in the way they live for Him
Indwelt with all the power of His Spirit deep in them
To do the works Christ did before but even more today
For if they're willing He might live through all they do and say
With power from a Godly heart that lives for only good
The Way that Jesus did before the way He only could
But we can also do as well when we with Him are one
And God resides in us the way He did within His Son
Colossians 1:19-29; John 14:12-17