There are that be among us now a few who will deceive
To twist and turn the truths we know to make us to believe
Another gospel than we know was given at the cross
That says we need not sacrifice to save the hurt and lost
They teach that there's abundance in God's promises to us
And if we will commit to them our income as their trust
The windows of God's heaven will be opened here as well
And we will have the fruits of Him of which we cannot tell
But fruitfulness in riches is not what we need to seek
If we would have the grace of God He's promised to the meek
For God controls the storehouse and knows what we need and when
Is best to bear His testimony in the sight of men
That they might know beyond all doubt Who owns a thousand hills
And all the cattle and the fruitfulness of all the fields
And knows the motivation of each heart and every way
They will respond to what is shared with them through what we say
When asked why we're so happy and content with what we have
How we find peace and joy and love each day along our path
Though sometimes when abundance is the portion we are given
Or when appearances portray by poverty we're driven
To lean more on the grace and love and faithfulness of Him
Who lived as our Example everyday before all men
That nothing held a greater value than His time with God
Who promised grace to be His portion in the path He trod
That would at times have feasting on abundance for His need
And other times have nothing until God would intercede
But always at the perfect time when help was needed most
Supplied by His consistent working through His Holy Ghost
So friend whate'er your station whether rich among your friends
Or poor in earthly values on which someone else depends
Know as you follow Christ each day He'll guide you through this test
And in the end no matter what you'll come out with the best
For nothing ranks with heaven as the home of the redeemed
No pomp or prestige in this world can match what God's esteemed
As that which is the greatest of all valuables on earth
The humble precious soul of one who knows Him through rebirth
Titus 2:1-15