Waiting There
No man among all nations can do more than He has done
The Lamb of our salvation the eternal Father's Son
And yet so many curse Him as the enemy of men
While holding to death's angel the great father of all sin
It's sad to see this chapter in the history of earth
To see those who're forsaking what was given them at birth
The mercy that surrounds them from the Father through His grace
Afforded them at Calvary when Jesus took their place
And it's so sad to hear them speak that vicious horrid lie
That they will live forever like the saints and never die
When scripture makes truth simple and abundantly most clear
There is a coming judgment that the lost have need to fear
Yes there's consuming fire that will burn until it's done
With cleansing earth and heaven for the Father and the Son
To start Their new creation of this earth without the sin
That ruined what They first had made to be the home of men
But more than that will be the pain and deep anxiety
When those who've walked away from God will have to look and see
The hist'ry of their chosen past and evil they have done
That pushed away the Father's Gift He gave in Christ the Son
And cursed Him Who had blessed them with such opportunity
To sit with Him upon His throne for all eternity
Fulfilled in every aspect of what truest joy can mean
A child of God's adoption in the Home we have not seen
Where all in perfect harmony with one voice there will sing
The endless praises to the One Who gives us everything
Of which we had no portion until His great Sacrifice
The Lamb of His own choosing His most precious Jesus Christ
And that for just one reason so few truly understand
Because of love within His heart that saw and yet still planned
Before we were created what the outcome was to be
That Christ would have to bear our scars for all eternity
So friend if you've been struggling knowing not which way to go
To make the real decision based on little that you know
Take time to read the scriptures with God leading you in prayer
And you'll be so excited by His Truth that's waiting there
Isaiah 58:6-14; Matthew 25:31-46;