The Mother's Choice
A wiseman once intrigued the world with all the things he said
And turned the tables many times by saying things instead
Of saying what was thought he might say in that time and place
That others thought would be his stance instead of losing face
Like when two women brought one child they both claimed to be theirs
And stressed the point before the Judge and many courtly stares
Expecting he would make a choice that might be wrongly made
And possibly the true mother would be the one who paid
The painful price of giving up the child that had been hers
To possibly a careless case whose outcome could be worse
If that woman who was not true should have him as her own
And leave him to the evil ways her godless heart had known
But Solomon did not relent to be as other kings
He wisely weighed what he should do as often in these things
And carefully would seek the Lord for wisdom for each case
That needed less of worldly thoughts and more of Godly grace
Instead he offered to each one a portion of the child
To have it cut in two for them this baby meek and mild
So each would be fulfilled of that one purpose that they shared
And have the child that each of them espoused for which they cared
But one looked on in horror at the thought of what was said
While those words of the other showed no worries for the dead
If what the king suggested was fulfilled before their eyes
To satisfy the need to see who spoke to him in lies
And that's when wisdom happened to reveal the heart of truth
As he who sat upon the throne displayed God's grace through youth
For then and there he knew which one was mother after all
The one who offered to relent and give in to the call
From deep within her heart of hearts to let her baby live
Even if it meant all of him to someone she must give
For mother's love looks past her wants to give what will be best
For her most precious little one though she may never rest
And so our story ended with the best of what might be
As this wise king gave to the one true mother we now see
What she so willingly revealed she'd give though filled with strife
And ultimately filled her want to save her baby's life
1 Kings 3:6-12; 16-28