Not The Same
No two of us are like the other one to the extent
That we resemble life and movement that we've here been lent
No two identically have features that are all the same
Though of the same ancestral gender with the same last name
But somehow we who think and ponder life in this regard
Assume that being true and different in Christ is too hard
And think that all who will be Christian must be in their soul
Identical in ways and manners to make up the whole
But God has never made the statement that we're all the same
For in His Word He pure and simply says that we're to blame
For yokes of bondage placed on others to be just like us
When He has never made us worthy of this godless trust
Instead He's told us times unending that to be like Him
Men must ignore the limitations that are placed on them
To think and follow steps of others in the path they take
Too often made by their presumption for the devil's sake
Who is the source of strife and anger placed on those who go
About their way in life pursuing ways that they might know
The beauty of a life in Jesus where no day's the same
Assimilating His demeanor with that single aim
To be for Him a true example of His love to men
To all the women and the children who are cursed by sin
That love that's not been boxed or branded but that's pure and free
That only has one limitation that's in you and me
And if we choose to live like others who still live in sin
Then how can we have what God offers those who will begin
Each day a new life with the Saviour through His Holy Ghost
Where God resides in words and actions that share Him the most
With all the world that needs to see Him for the God He is
The One Who's made us for His purpose at a time like this
When prophesies are fast fulfilling for Christ's soon return
And all the world is stumbling blindly needing most to learn
That there is One we must resemble One Who rules the heart
One Who makes us unique and different from our brand new start
And only as we spend each moment growing more like Him
Will others see what's most desired, God through Christ in them
Isaiah 58:5-11 Romans 12:1-21