Lessons Through Illustrations
If scriptures truly are inspired by God and God alone
Why do so many people fail to take them as their own
Instruction guide for living in accordance with His will
And go off on some tangent instead of just sitting still
And listening while reading to that voice that can be heard
That voice that has inspired thought in every single word
To help us see more deeply in the principles of life
The grace that gives us victory in every coming strife
As though they think they've something in this life that they can do
They've some inherent power in themselves to get them through
The challenges before them that are promised everyday
Especially for those who claim to live the Christian Way
For if we stop to listen to the One Who made all things
The One from Whom the breath of life in all of us still springs
We're promised more than knowledge of the mind and ways of God
We're promised His real presence in the path that we must trod
That leads us from presumption and the evil ways of men
And gives us His assurance we can overcome all sin
To be elect for heaven and the blessings waiting there
For those who trust and focus on His scriptures while in prayer
And make them more than readings to adorn their thoughts each day
More like the chords that bind us to our Father as we pray
And transfer from His being grace that makes us more like Him
The vessels for His filling as the Saviour did to them
When at the marriage in Cana that resembled what's to come
Christ turned to wine the water in six water pots of stone
Which represent six thousand years of changing hearts in them
Who opened to the grace of God that made them more like Him
And that that then was taken to the Master of the feast
Might represent the remnant being best of all not least
Who from the many waters of the people through the years
Exemplify the chosen who will bear no more the tears
When they will see the Bridegroom they have waited for so long
And sing that great love story heaven's made into a song
They call the song of Moses sung together with the Lamb
All scriptures illustrating Him Who is the Great I Am
2 Timothy 3:16-17; John 2:1-11; Isaiah 28:9-10; Revelation 17:15