This is war
If we lose we press on
Through the merciless mire
Of friends too soon gone
Dawn breaks
On these tattered fields
Onslaughts senselessly rage
But can't crush the hope we wield
New strength is here
Faith holds up the rear
We stand by grace indestructible
And love irresistibly clear
Through all this combat
The saints persevere
Flaming darts will not penetrate
Let the mercenaries sneer
Our King leads the campaign
On a spotless white horse
Shaping the continents
With a double-edged sword
Victory is near
The enemy retreats and runs
Arise! Shine!
We're destined to overcome
Empty your sheath
The Word of God gains ground upon ground
Until the era's complete
Hold the front lines
With radiant face
As the nations surrender
And pay homage to God's grace