The Tipping Point
The tipping point is almost here the judgment's soon to come
And all the true and faithful know just where it's coming from
A time of trial and turmoil trouble never seen before
That once again the faithful have been truly watching for
In some ways with anxiety and just a little fear
But more with great expectancy that Christ will soon be here
To put an end to all the pain and grief that sin did bring
As with the angels in the clouds they'll join with joy to sing
Hosannahs in the highest to the Sovereign Lord of all
Who's loved us with an endless love though pressed to give His all
In sacrifice upon the cross that bore Him as their Lamb
Creator come Redeemer Lord of hosts and great I Am
But sadly there are many who know not what's soon to come
They know not of the evil and the one from whom it's from
Assuming all they know of life is what they're seeing here
Afraid to listen to the Truth that's ours to conquer fear
They think there's time for revelry for pleasure and for gain
They think that maybe when they die they'll have a chance again
They think it's all by happenstance that we're all living here
Not knowing there's One standing by to wipe away their tears
Who wants more than His mighty throne to hear them speak His name
To turn though weak and feeble to ask Him to give the same
Assurance that they see in those who love to hear His voice
That peace and joy He longs to give to those who make the choice
To walk the path He's offering not tethered to this earth
That starts when they confess their sins and ask for His rebirth
That makes them clean and new again not burdened by their past
As on the precious Lamb of God their hopelessness they cast
And draw from Him that new life that enjoys with Him each day
The many wondrous blessings as He leads them in His Way
Who want more than the things of earth to share the love they've found
Through prayerful contemplation of His Word that's solid ground
Upon which they are building His new Kingdom filled with men
And women who have found in Him redemption from their sin
And whom will soon be joined in that great Home where none will die
When Christ returns to take His own with Him beyond the sky
Daniel 7:1-10; 12:1-4; Matthew 25;13-32