Sacrifice nothing, except a broken and a contrite heart
For this the Almighty will not despise
Draw close to your maker and He will draw close
Agonise and prophesy,
that the dry bones may receive life!
For God is speaking,
Wait and prepare for Him to move
Groan in your spirit, as if drops of blood pours
from your anguish, out of the dryness and bareness
God will arise, His Holy Spirit in you joins you with
groaning through words that cannot be uttered
And as if saying nothing at all
your heart fills as your mouth moves but no speech can be heard
Cry out in fervency to avail the presence of God
Labour, birth through,
Gather, fast, weep, mourn
For as we ask, He will answer,
Ask, ask for New wine and oil
Marvellous things!
He will pour out his Spirit
A revival, a move of God!
Pray, pray in fervency with all you are
To give life to what he has revealed in prophesy
Press through, into the courts of the Lord,
So he may impart and bring his purposes to pass;
...the love of God, His Word, His righteousness and of is Spirit,
Truth and His glorious gospel!
Give glory and reverence unto Him who sits high above it all,
A place where no flesh can ever glory
And it shall come to pass, in these last days
the mountain of the Lord's house
established atop the hills,
where all from every tongue and tribe will flow and gather
And the King of glory will tabernacle and be exalted in our praises forever!
Inspired by Psalm 51:16, Romans 8:26, Luke 22:44, Ezekiel 37:4, Joel 2:28, Isaiah 2