Search for Gods Kingdom inside yourself
Dig for hidden treasure and you will find
Dive for the pearl of great price
You will find truth fills your life.
Place your gifts on top of a hill
Rise like Lazarus let your life shine
Let your coat of many colours grow
You will find truth fills your life.
Roll away the stone from the entrance to your heart
Take away the scales from your eyes
Remove the hard wax from your ears
You will find truth fills your life.
You have been in the upper room
Act will boldness of heart
Share all things and encourage those who need it most
You will find truth fills your life.
You have been called as no one has
Called by name to follow your Christ
A personal invite to be His disciple
You will find truth fills your life.
Hugh K Henderson <><
I enjoyed your free verse writing titled Truth In Your Life. A great line that said, "Take away the scales from your eyes".
So much to be excited about here in your poem, Hugh. Great thoughts, you hit them with things you have found to be true. Your five punctuating lines drives the theme home and secures the thought into a sure place. And let me tell you, your nail 'held' my attention.